Thursday, January 19, 2012

the poem of exaggeration

im the baddest drinker
     withe the sweetest heart.
but is not about the drinking
     is about the need of love.
it come through with my drnking
      is really big but never small.
if you give me love ill try to let you in.

the story ..of exaggeration

once  apon a time there was a school that had 5 floors. out of those 5 floors there was a teacher that was so boring that the student wouldnt even listen.than one day this student .woke up one day and told his mother "mom in not going to school'',his mother answered back to him"why?is their a reason your not telling me about" and he answered back "is nothing bad but my teacher is so boring that i dont learn nothing with her,she makes me fall asleep just like the whole class',and she answer "they should fire her than im going to talk with your principle.", he said "ok thanks mom.".........2hours pass ..principle talk to the teacher but "he fall asleep right when she answer.........THE END .